JICC Drawtober 2020
This was a project that I was really excited about and brought up to the Japan Information and Culture Center. I wanted to create our own Drawtober for the month of October. Many artists all around the world creates a piece of art for each day of October under some kind of theme which is commonly known as inktober. I thought it would be interesting to do our own inktober and made the theme into a Hyakki Yagyo or parade of 100 demons. On each day of October, we posted a new Yokai with a description on our instagram story as a fun way to learn more about these yokai or demons and as a starting point or inspiration for artists to use in their own creations. On the last day of October, we even introduced our own JICC yokai with it’s own story and now the JICC has their own little ghost story. I was in charge of almost every part of this project including research, copywriting, and design.
Click on the arrows to view the whole slide show